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Posted on July 22, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Hey Black. I’m not sure how to “subscibe” but I hope this does the trick! I think you’re an excellent writer, and I love your stories. Your #1 fan

  2. Thank you Ms. Mika. I’ll be posting again before the weekend is over. If you receive an email notification, it did the trick!

  3. I came back to check, and I didn’t get an e-mail…BUT I noticed the lil boxes at the end, so this should do the trick!!

  4. chocolatelocs

    Definitely subscribing, I wouldn’t want to miss a thing!

  5. Hi Black. I want to subscribe to your blog. I hope all is going well with you. Take care.

  6. I hope this works… I am attempting to subscribe to your blog. I did not realize that 5 more chapters of “The Gril Next Door” have been posted. I’ve been checking the blog when I can, the last chapter I read was chapter 20, so I’ve got alot of reading to do.

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